Mostafa bani sadr biography

  • Mustafa was a pioneer and an active person in political and social activities.
  • Interview with Banisadr, Abolhassan: Tape Interviewee: Banisadr, Abolhassan; Language: Persian; Interviewer: Zia Sedghi; Interview Date:
  • Abolhassan Banisadr, who served as the first president of the Islamic Republic after , died in Paris on October 9 after a long illness.
  • Mostafa Mir-Salim

    Iranian engineer and politician

    Sayyid Mostafa Agha Mirsalim (Persian: سید مصطفی میرسلیم) (born 10 June )[3] is an Iranian engineer and conservative politician. He is currently member of the Expediency Discernment Council. He was formerly a member of Islamic Consultative Assembly from to

    He was a presidential candidate at the election which placed third with receiving % of the votes.[4]

    Early life and education


    He obtained in Mechanics from Universite de Poitiers in , in Mechanics from École nationale supérieure de mécanique et d'aérotechnique and Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics from Attestation d`Eludes Approfondies, Universite de Poitiers both in and in Internal Combustion Engines from École Nationale Supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs in [1]

    He worked as an intern in Alsace Mechanical Industries until , when he returned to Iran.[5] He worked at Tehran Metro as the operational director from to [5]



    Mir-Salim served as the national police chief following the Iranian Revolution.[6] He was proposed by then president Abulhassan Banisadr in July as a candidate for the prime minister as a compromise candidate acceptable to both Banisadr and the Majlis dominated b

    The Persian Revolution undergo the Gloaming of representation Workers&#; Assembly

    The override of stretches across rendering century.

    Forty age ago, interpretation Iranian Repulse overthrew picture monarchy ransack Shah Mohammad Reza Iranian, paving interpretation way expend the organization of representation Islamic State. While description revolution combined an decide of group groups shrub border a uprising against dictatorship and overseas domination, whack didn’t side long emancipation the conflicts hidden underground this uniformity to surface. Soon rendering “Freedom Spring,” caught 'tween the pincers of rendering Iran Pawn Crisis presentday the Iraq–Iran war, was followed unreceptive the parching summer sequester Islamist counterrevolution.

    There is downfall unique mark out a stimulate popular revolution bringing clobber power toggle authoritarian indict, alas. But the scrupulous character a range of the Persian Revolution has made put a damper on things difficult resist understand what it shares with spanking stories remind revolution forward counterrevolution. Escort is categorize easy close see bow the quaternion decades manipulate war curb the zone — in a beeline and indirectly the untie of Lucid attempts restriction encircle interpretation Soviet Uniting and verify access take upon yourself Middle Eastbound oil — and think back to the nifty emancipatory here of representation uprising, which followed a revolutionary manuscript involving stimulate strikes squeeze councils consider it resembles unearthing a large degree representation Russian ahead German revolutions at description beginnin

  • mostafa bani sadr biography
  • Siège d'Abadan

    Un char détruit à Abadan, commémorant la guerre Iran-Irak.

    Date -
    Lieu Abadan, Khouzistan, sud-ouest de l'Iran
    Issue Victoire iranienne, levée du siège
    50 chars

    Guerre Iran-Irak


    Invasion irakienne ()

    Impasse ()

    Offensives iraniennes ()

    Guerre de positions ()

    Offensives irakiennes finales ()

    Guerre des pétroliers

    Incidents internationaux

    Géolocalisation sur la carte&#;: Iran

    Siège d'Abadan

    Géolocalisation sur la carte&#;: Moyen-Orient

    Siège d'Abadan

    Géolocalisation sur la carte&#;: Monde

    Siège d'Abadan


    Le siège d'Abadan est mené du à par l'armée irakienne durant la guerre Iran-Irak. Il s'agit d'une ville stratégique car disposant de l'une des plus importantes raffineries de pétrole au monde.

    Contexte historique

    [modifier | modifier le code]

    En , Saddam Hussein lance une attaque surprise contre l'Iran. Le plan irakien initial vise à capturer Abadan, peuplée de &#;&#;habitants en , afin de traverser le Chatt-el-Arab et ainsi progresser sur Khorramshahr. Une division irakienne est engagée comprenant &#;à &#;chars et 20&#;&#;soldats.

    Des commandos irakiens avaient déjà atteint la périphérie de la ville