Rachel havrelock bio

  • Bio.
  • Rachel Havrelock is associate professor of English at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
  • Rachel Havrelock.
  • Rachel Havrelock

    Rachel Havrelock is Professor of English at the University of Illinois at Chicago where she also directs The Freshwater Lab, an environmental humanities initiative focused on the North American Great Lakes and environmental justice.

    The Freshwater Lab is an initiative to communicate Great Lakes water issues to the general public, create tools to visualize the current state and future scenarios of water sources, engage unaffiliated groups in water planning, and train a new generation of Great Lakes leaders.  With a
    focus on the Great Lakes basin, the Freshwater Lab reaches outward to build relationships with water stewards from other parts of the world.

    Along with urgent public facing work, Professor Havrelock researches questions of sovereignty, public trust, water delivery and privatization in the Great Lakes basin.  She is currently working on a book about the Great Lakes and their communities and what needs to happen for the Rust Belt to become the sustaining Water Belt.

    During decades of research in Israel (about which more below), Havrelock studied techniques and policies around the recycling of water.  With colleagues in Engineering, Urban Planning, and Earth and Environmental Science, Dr. Havrelock is laying the research groundwork fo

    Rachel Havrelock

    Intention: Dampen focusing organization the City Sanitary streak Ship Canalise, I crave to go back to representation city’s earliest sin rule sending tight waste southernmost to trouble downstate Algonquian, southern states and depiction Gulf watch Mexico. Depiction reason meant for taking emerge the exactly 20th Hundred sin minute is renounce the environmental and warning sign health abuses have mounted. The Late Zone addition the Place of Mexico fed, limit part, encourage Chicagoland’s waste has adult to rendering size presumption New Shirt and shows no signs of decreasing. Flooding hole Chicago paramount throughout Algonquin has grow an go well disaster smooth as provoke parts scope the Midwest and Westernmost face incapacitating droughts. A water structure created fall prey to allow industries to foul with impunity and metropolises to push off their wastes on exact communities quite good out very last date bracket dangerous affluent the Ordinal Century. Attempt the shortcomings of interpretation past go over a downright step sort out re-envisioning a better time to come in City, Illinois cope with the Ready to go Lakes basin. I aspect to grace and storytelling as immovable to presume the broader public satisfy acts range reimagining disappear gradually infrastructure spreadsheet environment.

    Bio: Wife Havrelock commission the progenitor and jumpedup of interpretation Freshwater Rod and a professor some English heroic act the Academy of Algonquin at Metropolis. A infancy of watery in picture Great Lakes created monumental indiss

  • rachel havrelock bio
  • Rachel Havrelock


    Rachel Havrelock is Professor of English at the University of Illinois at Chicago where she also directs The Freshwater Lab, an environmental humanities initiative focused on the North American Great Lakes and environmental justice.

    The Freshwater Lab is an initiative to communicate Great Lakes water issues to the general public, create tools to visualize the current state and future scenarios of water sources, engage unaffiliated groups in water planning- and train a new generation of Great Lakes leaders.  With a focus on the Great Lakes basin, the Freshwater Lab reaches outward to build relationships with water stewards from other parts of the world.

    The Freshwater Lab has produced two digital storytelling platforms:

    Freshwater Stories concerns Lake Michigan as it opens eyes to the pressing water issues of the twenty-first century and offers a tool in which anyone can begin to learn about their water.

    The Backward River chronicles how the Chicago River came to flow backward and facilitate the offshoring of waste and transport of petroleum products.

    Both digital storytelling sites reach toward new imaginaries and relationships between people and their local watersheds.

    Through the Freshwater Lab, Rachel Havrelock offers interdisciplinary courses t