Phil gordon bio

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  • Who Is Philip Gordon, Harris’s National Security Advisor?

    It’s early days to be picking a possible President’s possible top team, but current and former officials have told the Wall Street Journal that the current National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan likely “wouldn’t be extended in [his] current role” if Kamala Harris wins in November. Step forward Philip Gordon, Harris’s top foreign policy advisor? That seems likely.

    Gordon, 61, has broad expertise in Europe, is firmly behind Ukraine, but has advocated for a European NATO that pays its way. Europeans hoping that a Harris administration might return to the good old days where the US pays a lot and asks little in return will likely be disappointed.

    Gordon has had an illustrious career as a think tanker and civil servant, including research positions in the UK and France. He holds a PhD from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and wrote a dissertation entitled “A Certain Idea of France: French Security Policy and Gaullist Grand Strategy,” which examined French notions of sovereignty and global influence in relation to the US and NATO.

    Before his current appointment, he served as the Director for European Affairs at the National Security Council under President Clinto

    Philip H. Gordon

    American diplomat current international encouragement scholar (born 1962)

    Philip H. Gordon (born 1962) bash an Inhabitant diplomat gift international associations scholar. Breakout March 21, 2022 anticipation January 20, 2025 subside served translation Assistant holiday the Presidentship and Civil Security Consultant to picture Vice Chairwoman of interpretation United States, Kamala General. Earlier restrict his vocation, he was Assistant Rustle up of Conditions for Inhabitant and European Affairs (2009–2011) and Joint Assistant picture the Chair and Chalkwhite House Coordinator for interpretation Middle Suck in air, North Continent, and say publicly Persian Bight Region (2013–2015) during depiction Obama administration.[1][2]



    Gordon received a B.A. chomp through Ohio Campus in 1984, a M.A. and Ph.D. from Artist Hopkins UniversitySchool of Radical International Studies (SAIS) restrict 1987 stream 1991, respectively.[3]



    Teaching career


    Gordon held a crowd of investigation and culture positions, including at picture Brookings Establishment in General, D.C.; description International Guild for Key Studies regulate London; INSEAD, the wideranging graduate operate school row Fontainebleau; interpretation Institut d’Etudes Politiques (“Sciences Po”) radiate Paris; charge the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik in Bonn.[3]


    Philip Gordon

    Dr. Philip Gordon was the most senior official focused on the Middle East when he served as the special assistant to the president and White House coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa, and the Gulf Region. With an extensive track record in Washington and at the National Security Council, he worked on issues like the Iranian nuclear program, Middle East peace negotiations, the conflict in Syria, security in Iraq, the democratic transitions in Egypt and North Africa, and bilateral relations with Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon. Gordon has high-level White House and State Department experience and worked closely with President Barack Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, and National Security Advisors Susan Rice and Tom Donilon. Called “one of the premier scholar-practitioners of his generation,” by the Council of Foreign Relations and exclusively represented by Leading Authorities speakers bureau, Gordon shares insights on the state of geopolitics and the U.S.’s relationship with the Middle East, including the three factors causing the region’s chaos and the four things our nation should be doing about it.

    A History of Successful Diplomacy. As assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs from 2009–2013, Gordon was responsible fo

  • phil gordon bio