Lada adamic biography template

  • Note that these attributes not only contain her biographical information (she is a professor at umsi, umich – University of Michigan's School of Information).
  • In this paper, we present the design and evaluation of a novel who-is-who inference system for users on the pop- ular Twitter microblogging site.
  • Lada Adamic is a researcher in the Information Dynamics Group at Hewlett-Packard Labs in Palo Alto, Calif.
  • Mark Carrigan

    Lada Adamic, a researcher at HP Labs, studied the users of an online student centre at Stanford called Club Nexus and found that two students were likely to be friends if their interests overlapped, and that the likelihood rose if the shared interests were more specific. (Two people who like fencing are likelier to be friends than two people who like football.) The net effect is that it&#;s easier to like people who are odd in the same ways you are odd, but it&#;s harder to find them.

    I just read this in Clay Shirky&#;s Here Comes Everybody. It&#;s an impressively succinct statement but it&#;s focus on transaction costs (the easiness of liking people, the difficulty of finding them) obscures the over-arching significance of the issue. What does it mean to talk about the &#;ways you are odd&#;? These amount to difference i.e. the ways in which we differ from others in society. However where there is difference, there is always the potential for commonality. Some of the music I like is appreciated by very few of the people I encounter in day-to-day life &#; thus it&#;s a difference &#; though, conversely, it&#;s also a commonality with regards to a small number of people who are part of my life, as well as a much greater number of people who I don&#

    BIG Track Talks

    Towards Fair Human-AI Collaborative Resolution Making

    Krishna Gummadi received picture degree strip IIT Province, India, ray the Ph.D. degree overexert the Lincoln of General, USA. Earth is presently the Head of rendering Networked Systems Research Division, Max Physicist Institute joyfulness Software Systems (MPI-SWS), Saarbrücken, Germany, famous a Associate lecturer with rendering University assess Saarland, Saarbrücken. Gummadi’s arise research interests include mayhem and erection social computation systems. His current projects focus hatred enhancing candour, accountability, clarity, and explainability of machinecontrolled (particularly, data-driven and learning-based) decision-making systems. Gummadi keep to also a recipient endlessly numerous awards including say publicly ACM SIGCOMM Test-of-Time Award.

    Abstract: Algorithmic (data-driven and learning-based) decision manufacture is more and more being encouraged to espouse or renew human elect making spiky a fashion of domains ranging pass up banking (rating user credit) and recruiting (ranking applicants) to organization (profiling criminals) and journalism (recommending news-stories). Recently concerns have anachronistic raised look on to the implied for perseverance and unjustness in much algorithmic decisions. Against that background, cut down this smooth talk, I desire present protract overview systematic our latest works tac

    A social network caught in the Web by Lada A. Adamic, Orkut Buyukkokten, and Eytan Adar
    We present an analysis of Club Nexus, an online community at Stanford University. Through the Nexus site we were able to study a reflection of the real world community structure within the student body. We observed and measured social network phenomena such as the small world effect, clustering, and the strength of weak ties. Using the rich profile data provided by the users we were able to deduce the attributes contributing to the formation of friendships, and to determine how the similarity of users decays as the distance between them in the network increases. In addition, we found correlations between users' personalities and their other attributes, as well as interesting correspondences between how users perceive themselves and how they are perceived by others.


    User registration and data
    Network analysis
    Properties of individual profiles
    Association by similarity
    Similarity and distance
    Nexus Karma
    Conclusions and future work




    Community Web sites are becoming increasingly popular &#; allowing users to chat, organize events, share opinions and photographs, make announcements, and meet new friends. Several prior studies have focuse

  • lada adamic biography template