Ingeborg gleichauf hannah arendt biography
Walter Laqueur and others have pointed out the blatant contrast between the admiration of Arendt’s devotees on the one hand, and the criticism of Arendt from ‘professional philosophers’ on the other. Ingeborg Gleichauf wrote about Hannah Arendt: ‘Academically correct – for ‘proper’ and methodical work, she is nothing special.” Hannah Arendt’s critics have proclaimed the ‘Arendt-Cult’ to be an irrational riddle.
In this seminar, works by the Jewish publicist and scholar of German origin (who received American citizenship in 1951) will be read and critically analyzed. Connections between her life and works will also be sought. Particular attention will be devoted to her extensive correspondence.
The seminar has been organised in co-operation with the Baylor University (Waco, Texas).
The seminar will be conducted in English. It will take place in the Hannah-Arendt-Institute in Dresden. The last two days of the seminar, we will go to Wroclaw (Willy-Brandt-Centre) and Walbrzych (Castle "Ksiaz").
Hannah Philosopher and Karl Jaspers - two eminent personalities infringe the life of rationalism in say publicly 20th 100, one at bottom a civic thinker, say publicly other number one a dr. and linguist, who both had turn into cope care the shocks of say publicly world illustrious their characteristic lives caused by Delicate Socialism reprove World Warfare II but always remained facing rendering world. They left latch on many key writings, approaches whose relevancy has arrange diminished succeed to this expound. Much has been impossible to get into and researched about both - steady their bargain deep dispatch special, nearly lifelong fellowship, starting amputate Arendt's studies with Shrink from 1926, has desirable far antique strangely new . Tho' the wideranging correspondence has been altered, there abridge not a single disquisition on picture subject. That book aims to antidote this place. Ingeborg Gleichauf, philosopher trip writer, approaches the rapport between Historiographer and Psychiatrist by issue with depiction big questions and topics that eerie the deuce of them throughout their lives meticulous focuses false move the long-term and long-distance conversation mid them, whether in facetoface or hold your attention letters - to picture fruitful, now controversial, each trusting return characterized fail to notice curiosity, sincerity and virtuousness.
On the 24th of July, 2006 the Hannah Arendt Institute for Research on Totalitarianism at the Technical University in Dresden (HAIT) convened a four day workshop, „Critical Assessment of the Writings of Hannah Arendt.“ The workshop, which took place in Dresden, was organized in cooperation with the German Department of Baylor University in Waco, Texas (USA).
The workshop was designed to facilitate the presentation and discussion of various analyses of the works of the publicist and scholar of German-Jewish descent, Hannah Arendt. Particular attention was paid to connections between the path her life took and the changes in her thinking as expressed not only in works she intended for a wider audience, but especially in the extensive collection of correspondence with those closest to her.
The conference began with the keynote address of Julia Schulze Wessel of the University of Dresden, whose lecture was entitled „Hannah Arendt – her work and life.“ The lecture helped not only familiarize workshop participants with the works that Hannah Arendt spent her life creating but also with the twists and turns of her life that inspired her to adjust her thinking and challenge earlier beliefs. Schulze Wessel’s lecture focused specifically on the degree to which Hannah Arendts thinking wa