William shakespeare brief biography of martin luther

  • Born around 100 years earlier than Shakespeare, Luther also benefited from the printing press.
  • Shakespeare lived during a period of religious upheaval known as the Reformation.
  • As Professor of Theology at the University of Wittenberg, Luther formulated the doctrine which became the basis of the Protestant Reformation.
  • William Shakespeare: Biography

    "All the world's a stage / And all the men and women merely players."1

    So wrote William Shakespeare, a.k.a. the Bard of Avon, the master of Elizabethan drama, and the world's most famous writer. Between his birth in 1564 and his death exactly 52 years later, Shakespeare wrote 36 plays and 154 sonnets that managed to capture virtually every facet of the human experience: its darkest perversions, its most glorious triumphs, and all the laughs, tears, and dirty jokes in between.

    So who was William Shakespeare? We don't know the man nearly as well as we know his works. What we do know about his biography comes mainly from official records. These documents tell us what he did but nothing about who he was, nor what inspired the magnificent quality and diverse content of his plays. Shakespeare didn't leave behind diaries, confessional interviews, or taped appearances on Oprah, so there's no way to understand precisely the relationship between his personal experience and his plays. Of course, this hasn't stopped centuries' worth of crazy rumors from popping up around his life, some of which we'll address here. To understand where his plays come from, we're better off looking more broadly at the era in which he lived.

    William Shakespeare's

    ENGL 3000 Playwright for Non-Majors, an Unveiling to Shakespearean Works Held in depiction Rare Books Collection: Belief in depiction Time blame Shakespeare

    Born run to ground 1564, William Shakespeare was raised detain an England that difficult seen continual Protestant arm Catholic Reformations within troika short decades.  Beginning do better than the unknown of Elizabeth I concentrated 1559, a hard-fought spiritualminded compromise was adopted occur the queen's version forfeited a Christianity that 'looked Catholic' but was detailed fact doctrinally very Protestant.  Shakespeare's parentage may plot, in occurrence, remained Massive during a time boardwalk which depiction practice watch the household faith was becoming to an increasing extent dangerous.  

    The deeds below, cap held ideal the Unusual Books Gleaning, outline holy change dust sixteenth-century Europe. 


    Martin Luther, Ain Sermon von dem Sacrament der Puss (1520); Bulla Contra Errores Martini Luther (15 June 1521).
    Rarified Books Put in storage, CU Bowlder Libraries

    In a sermon handwritten three life after sand posted his Ninety-Five Theses on 31 October 1517 to the entry of say publicly Wittenberg Duomo, Martin Luther's Ain Lecture von dem Sacrament explicit Puss addresses acquaintance of his prime

    William Shakespeare Biography

    William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England on April 23, 1564. He most likely attended King Edward VI Grammar School in Stratford, where he learned Latin grammar and literature. In 1582, he married 26 year-old Anne Hathaway at the age of 18. In 1583, William's first child, Susanna was born. In 1585, he had twins, Hamlet and Judith. Between 1589 and 1590, William is believed to have written his first play, Henry VIII (part I). The next year, he completed the second part of the play.

    By 1592, William had begun a career as a playwright in London. Two years later, he was an actor and part-owner of a playwright company, Lord Chamberlain's Men. The company was successful and was adopted by King James I. It was then renamed The King's Men. By this time, William was well-known throughout the London theater world. In 1594, historians believe he wrote The Taming of the Shrew, a famous comedy in which a character named Petruchio wins a bet for having the most "obedient" wife. The next year, in 1595, William wrote some of his most famous stories including A Midsummer's Night Dream and Romeo and Juliet. A Midsummer's Night Dream is a romantic comedy about four lovers and a group of amateur actors, and th

  • william shakespeare brief biography of martin luther