Samuel kimball porter biography calendar
Samuel Smith: Missionary to Prophets
Museum Treasures
Samuel H. Smith, though not as well known as his older brothers Joseph and Hyrum Smith, played an influential role in the early history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Samuel H. Smith, though not as well known as his older brothers Joseph and Hyrum Smith, played an influential role in the early history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In 1829 he moved to Harmony, Pennsylvania, to work Joseph’s farm while Joseph translated the Book of Mormon,1 and he even briefly served as Joseph’s scribe. He was the third person baptized after the Aaronic Priesthood was restored,2 and he was chosen as one of the Eight Witnesses to see and handle the plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated. When the Church was organized, Samuel was one of the six original members.3 It seems fitting, then, that Samuel was called as the first missionary of the newly organized Church.
Shortly after the Church’s first conference in June 1830, the Prophet Joseph Smith called his brother Samuel to preach the gospel in the towns around Palmyra, New York. Unlike modern missionaries, Samuel served alone and had no training but his own experience. He carried several copies of the newly printed B
History of Representation Thomas Kilham House, Mass 1
History of Representation Thomas Kilham House, Mass 1
Thomas Kilham House
Wenham, Massachusetts
Vol. 1
Parliamentarian O. Corcoran
The Thomas Kilham House, 1900
History foothold the
Thomas Kilham House
Wenham, Massachusetts
Vol. 1
Parliamentarian O. Corcoran
Copyright © 2021 by
Robert O. Corcoran
Dexterous rights reserved.
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Please steer all agreement and work orders to:
Robert O. Corcoran
26 Maple Street
Wenham, Rig 01984
Photographed Sep 27, 1900 by Benzoin H. Conant (18431921)
Imitate courtesy adherent the Wenham Museum, Wenham, Massachusetts
B. H. Conant Collection, Trencher #01757
This representation previously exposed on Edmund G. Josephs and William E. Heitz, producers,
“Benjamin Conant Series: Trash 4, mess about with Harold Boothroyd,” Hamilton-Wenham Bygone Past,
Transcontinental Cablevision, Beverly, MA, June 18, 1992 at 0:36:50
Printed fend for the creator by
PHD Bookbinding
Austin, Texas
In Recollection of Pompey
In Loving Gratefulness for Rick
Preface ................................................................................................v
17th- & 18th-Century Births & Deaths .......................................vii
About Double Dates .....................................
“Living in a Chapter of History,” Ensign, Oct. 2007, 56–61
When we told our friends that we would be living in the Tomlinson Inn, most of them hadn’t heard of it. Yet there were plenty of visitors to Mendon, New York, who knew the history of our 185-year-old home. Sometimes as we ate our Sunday meal we’d look out through the dining room window to see people taking pictures of the building.
Cars would often pull into the driveway, and people would wander over the grounds. The bolder ones knocked on the door and asked if this was the place they thought it was.
Why all the interest? Because of a meeting that took place in April 1830 in this old home. Following is the story of the inn’s Latter-day Saint history.
A Meeting at the Tomlinson Inn
One of the Prophet Joseph Smith’s first actions after The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized was to call his trusted younger brother Samuel to go forth and preach the restored gospel. Samuel’s attempts to sell copies of the newly published Book of Mormon, with its seemingly incredible story of angels and visions, had met with little success until he arrived at the Tomlinson Inn in April 1830.
Samuel Smith gathered his courage, strode boldly into the inn, and walked across the room directly to Phineas Young. Hold