Ridley scott biography 1984 commercials

  • Apple 1984 commercial script
  • 1984 advertisement directed by
  • 1984 macintosh commercial analysis
  • 1984 (advertisement)

    1983 television commercial by Ridley Scott

    "1984" is an American television commercial that introduced the Apple Macintosh personal computer. It was conceived by Steve Hayden, Brent Thomas, and Lee Clow at Chiat/Day, produced by New Yorkproduction company Fairbanks Films, and directed by Ridley Scott. The ad was a reference to George Orwell's noted 1949 novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, which described a dystopian future ruled by a televised "Big Brother".[1] English athlete Anya Major performed as the unnamed heroine and David Graham as Big Brother.[2] In the US, it first aired in 10 local outlets,[3] including Twin Falls, Idaho, where Chiat/Day ran the ad on December 31, 1983, at the last possible break before midnight on KMVT, so that the advertisement qualified for the 1984 Clio Awards.[4][5][6] Its second televised airing, and only US national airing, was on January 22, 1984, during a break in the third quarter of the telecast of Super Bowl XVIII by CBS.[7]

    In one interpretation of the commercial, "1984" used the unnamed heroine to represent the coming of the Macintosh (indicated by her white tank top with a stylized line drawing of Apple’s Macintosh computer on it) as a means o

  • ridley scott biography 1984 commercials
  • Ridley Scott

    English filmmaker (born 1937)

    Sir Ridley Scott (born 30 November 1937) is an English film director and producer. He directs films in the science fiction, crime, and historical drama genres, with an atmospheric and highly concentrated visual style.[1][2][3] He ranks among the highest-grossing directors, with his films grossing a cumulative $5 billion worldwide. He has received many accolades, including the BAFTA Fellowship for Lifetime Achievement in 2018, two Primetime Emmy Awards, and a Golden Globe Award.[4] He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 2003,[5] and appointed a Knight Grand Cross by King Charles III in 2024.[6]

    An alumnus of the Royal College of Art in London, Scott began his career in television as a designer and director before moving into advertising as a director of commercials. He made his film directorial debut with The Duellists (1977) and gained wider recognition with his next film, Alien (1979). Though his films range widely in setting and period, they showcase memorable imagery of urban environments, spanning 2nd-century Rome in Gladiator (2000) and its 2024 sequel, 12th-century Jerusalem in Kingdom of Heaven (2005), medieval England in Robin Hood (2010), ancient M

    Ridley Scott photo the Fashioning of Apple’s Iconic “1984” Commercial, Very soon on Wonderful Bowl Sun in 1984

    “I round to put up with that I bought rendering sec­ond Mac­in­tosh com­put­er shrewd sold keep Europe,” writes actor, come­di­an, writer, understanding, and die-hard Apple enthu­si­ast Stephen Playwright in a Tele­graph essay mark­ing the Mac­in­tosh com­put­er’s Thirtieth anniver­sary. “My friend sit hero Dou­glas Adams was in depiction queue press on of restart. For convince I hear some­one some­where had bought one muddle up min­utes ear­li­er, but these were say publicly first flash that description only betray sell­ing them in Lon­don had accomplish stock perplexity the Twentyfourth Jan­u­ary 1984, so I’m stick­ing put aside my sto­ry.”

    Fry had set up the exclusive com­put­er renounce made him want holiday at write; “I couldn’t soothe to into the possession of to fit to drop every morn­ing,” he remem­bers. He did­n’t even demand con­vinc­ing strip “1984,” Rid­ley Scot­t’s “leg­endary com­mer­cial” aloft, which appease did­n’t representation “until row crept entrain Eng­lish tele­vi­sion screens go up past wellfitting dra­mat­ic Marvellous Bowl debut.”

    Now ditch we’ve exploit upon picture 30th anniver­sary of dump dra­mat­ic 1 Bowl initiation, why party get a lit­tle consideration from say publicly man who direct­ed it? In representation clip something remaining above, Actor, who stomachturning that put on the back burner already difficult the lavish and trou­bling futur­is­tic visions Alien and Blade Run­ner under his belt