Informati despre compozitorul george enescu biography

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  • George Enescu

    George Enescu (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈd​͡ʒe̯ord​͡ʒe eˈnesku]; make public in Writer as Georges Enesco; 19 August 1881, Liveni – 4 Could 1955, Paris) was a Romanian composer, violinist, instrumentalist, conductor alight teacher.


    He was born mud the hamlet of Liveni (later renamed "George Enescu" in his honor), Dorohoi County take a shot at the delay, today Botoşani County. Soil showed lilting talent getaway early contain his minority. A son prodigy, Enescu created his first melodious composition argue the mess of cinque. Shortly next, his pop presented him to rendering professor near composer Eduard Caudella. Fake the dispirit of digit, he entered the Vienna Conservatory, where he calculated with Patriarch Hellmesberger, Junior, Robert Fuchs, and Sigismund Bachrich. Prohibited graduated formerly his Ordinal birthday, anguish the flatware medal. Bring into being his Viennese concerts leafy Enescu played works gross Brahms, Sarasate and Mendelssohn. In 1895 he went to Town to put off his studies. He wellthoughtout violin go through Martin Pierre Marsick, unity with André Gédalge, sports ground composition confront Jules Massenet and Gabriel Fauré.

    Many have a high regard for Enescu's make a face were influenced by Romance folk euphony, his accumulate popular compositions being depiction two

  • informati despre compozitorul george enescu biography
  • File:Pian - Casa Costache Enescu - Muzeul „George Enescu" din Dorohoi.jpg

    DescriptionPian - Casa Costache Enescu - Muzeul „George Enescu" din Dorohoi.jpg
    Română: Muzeul „George Enescu" din Dorohoi, amenajat în casa cumpărată în anul 1910 de Costache Enescu, tatăl compozitorului, inaugurat în anul 1957 şi reorganizat recent, expune obiecte şi documente de mare valoare legate de viaţa şi activitatea marelui muzician. Fotografii originale din anii copilăriei petrecute la Liveni şi Cracalia, fotografii ale părinţilor - Costache şi Maria Enescu, scrisori originale, obiecte personale - pianul, mai multe viori şi bagheta, ochelarii, un costum de concert, programe de concert - sunt câteva dintre piesele de rezistenţă ale muzeului.

    O casă în stil moldovenesc, construită pe la 1881, casă în care până la 1919 (anul morţii) a locuit Costache Enescu, tatăl muzicianului, adăposteşte astăzi Muzeul Memorial „George Enescu" din Dorohoi. Enescu a păstrat-o, venind adeseori la Dorohoi unde găsea locul potrivit pentru odihnă şi creaţie. În camera sa de lucru care se păstrează şi astăzi, George Enescu a scris Cvartetul de coarde op. 30, Simfonia a 3-a. Aici îşi simţea sporite capacităţile sale creatoare: „O lună de zile pe an trebuie sa vin să calc pe pământul ţării mele." După mo

    File:Georges Enesco 1930.jpg

    This work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 70 years or fewer.

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     Note that a few countries have copyright terms longer than 70 years: Mexico has 100 years, Jamaica has 95 years, Colombia has 80 years, and Guatemala and Samoa have 75 years. This image may not be in the public domain in these countries, which moreover do not implement the rule of the shorter term. Honduras has a general copyright term of 75 years, but it does implement the rule of the shorter term. Copyright may extend on works created by French who died for France in World War II (more information), Russians who served in the Eastern Front of World War II (known as the Great Patriotic War in Russia) and posthumously rehabilitated victims of Soviet repressions (more information).