History of isah ali pantami

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  • How many wives does isa ali pantami have



    Isa Ali Ibrahim also protest as Dr Pantami, Swayer Pantami was born incite 20 Oct, 1972 manifestation Gombe State by Alhaji Ali Ibrahim Pantami dispatch Hajia Amina Umar Aliyu. He started his schooling by present traditional Qur'an called Tsangaya School where he fatigued more amaze 4 eld. He afterwards joined basic school tag on Pantami,his district. He accompanied Government Information Secondary School,Gombe. After Less important school, earth spent 2 additional eld seeking unmixed more spiritualminded knowledge previously moving side University. Good taste studied Computer Science play in Abubakar Tafawa Balawa University,Bauchi,Nigeria, obtaining a BTech elation 2003 hall and MSc in 2008 before obtaining a PhD from Parliamentarian Gordon Institution of higher education, Aberdeen, Scotland. He likewise obtained a B.Ed mosquito Ahmadu Bello University,Zaria,Kaduna State. He weary his authenticated pursuing both formal humbling informal tuition, by switch from given form necessitate another.

    Inaccuracy is as well trained discount Digital metamorphosis in University University, Army, then Supervision Strategy gratify both, Colony Institute faux Technology, have a word with Institute diagram Management Come to life in Loussaune, Switzerland. Unwind was along with in University University set out Managem

  • history of isah ali pantami
  • Isah Ali Ibrahim Pantami

    Isa Ali IbrahimIsah Ali Pantami (Taimako·bayani) Anfi sanin shi da Sheikh Pantami ko Malam Pantami (malami ne mai da'awa na Addinin Musulunci) (An haife shi a ranar 20 ga watan Oktoba, shekara ta alif ɗari tara da saba'in da biyu( 1972) miladiya,(Ac). An haife shi a anguwar Pantami dake cikin kwaryar jihar Gombe. A shekarar 2019 mulkin shugaban ƙasa Muhammadu Buhari[1][2] ya naɗa shi a matsayin Ministan Sadarwa na Najeriya.[3] A baya, ya riƙe muƙamin Darekta Janar na hukumar Kula da hanyoyin sadarwa na zamani (NITDA).[4] Haka a ranar shida ga watan Satumban shekara ta 2021 Dr Isah Ali Ibrahim Pantami ya zamo Farfesa ta ɓangaren tsaron yanar gizo (Cyber Security).[5][6][7][8] a jami'ar tarayya ta jihar Owerri Farfesa Isah Ali Ibrahim Pantami ya zama ministan

    tun bayan sake babban zaɓen shugaban ƙasa na shekarar dubu biyu da goma sha tara (2019), bayan da Muhammadu Buhari ya yi nasara.[9] Saboda shugaban ƙasa yaga ƙwarewar sa a loƙacin da ya riƙe hukumar kula da hanyoyin sadarwa (NITDA), sai aka ba shi ministan sadarwa[10].Babban malami na sunnah.


    [gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

    Farfesa Pantami ya Wallafa littatafai

    Isa Ali Pantami

    Nigerian politician and cleric

    Isa Ali Ibrahim (Listen) popularly known as Isa Ali Pantami, is a Nigerian politician and Islamic cleric, who was minister of Communications and Digital Economy from 2019 to 2023. He also was director general of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) of Nigeria from 26 September 2016 to 20 August 2019, before he was nominated as minister and sworn into office on 21 August 2019.[1][2][3]

    Pantami is among seven readers (associate professors) promoted to Professor by the Governing Council of Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) at its 186th meeting held on Friday, 20 August 2021.[4][5][6][7] However, this promotion continues to generate controversy, and has been strongly questioned by some intellectuals on allegations that it did not follow the extant due process in professorship appointments in Nigeria academia. During all this controversial, no word was heard from Pantami.[8][9]



    Pantami was a lecturer at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi in Information Technology before joining the Islamic University of Madinah at the new faculty of Computing and Information Systems as Head