Blue collar apologetics john martignoni debate

  • John Martignoni's exceptional new book, Blue-Collar Apologetics: How to Explain and Defend Catholic Teaching Using Common Sense, Simple Logic, and the Bible.
  • Homeschooling Saints Episode 124: Blue Collar Apologetics: A Simple, Common Sense Approach with John Martignoni.
  • Blue Collar Apologetics: How to Explain and Defend Catholic Teaching Using Common Sense, Simple Logic, and the Bible by John Martignoni.
  • Blue Collar Apologetics: How To Explain and Defend Catholic Teaching Using Common Sense, Simple Logic, and the Bible

    December 14, 2021
    “Roman Catholicism concerns me.”

    My acquaintance, a Protestant, proceeded to hand me a paper, peppered with Scriptural citations, explaining the major theological errors with Catholicism. I hardly knew how to respond. I desperately needed a toolbox: a go-to guide to help me formulate a Catholic defense to these arguments.

    Blue Collar Apologetics is that toolbox and its author, John Martignoni, is that adept guide. Martignoni has spent the past twelve years working in Catholic apologetics: he has led a weekly Catholic apologetics program on an Evangelical radio station, distributed more than one million audio copies of talks he has given, and hosted an apologetics show on EWTN.

    You might object, “I don’t engage in theological debates with Protestants, so this book doesn’t apply to me.”

    Martignoni makes it clear that he intends this book first and foremost for evangelizing Catholics. He writes, “You cannot explain what you do not know. You cannot defend what you cannot explain.” So Blue Collar Apologetics is first about helping Catholics know and understand their faith. No matter what your level of education or formation, we could all d

    Encouragement, Style and Substance: A Review of ‘Blue-Collar Apologetics’

    Blue-Collar Apologetics

    How to Explain and Defend Catholic Teaching Using Common Sense, Simple Logic, and the Bible

    By John Martignoni

    EWTN Publishing, 2021

    336 pages, $19.95

    To order: 


    Back in my college days, our Catholic apologetics professor advised us students, “Don’t argue on someone else’s playing field. Argue on your own.” It’s great advice, and it is very much a message in John Martignoni’s exceptional new book, Blue-Collar Apologetics: How to Explain and Defend Catholic Teaching Using Common Sense, Simple Logic, and the Bible

    As the founder and president of the Bible Christian Society, Martignoni has conducted hundreds of talks, seminars and interviews in various radio and television media, including EWTN. It is clear that his book is the fruit of much research and thousands of conversations and, yes, arguments.

    While the book contains chapters addressing Eastern Orthodoxy and atheism, the majority of the book regards Protestantism. It is a simple read, yet one of the most comprehensive refutations of the errors of Protestantism I’ve ever come across. 




    We Catholics can be reluctant to engage in theol

  • blue collar apologetics john martignoni debate
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    Thanks type joining netting today kind we jelly our Weekday series examining Catholic vindicator, John Martignoni’s book, “A Blue Acid test Answer compare with Protestantism: General Questions Protestants Can’t Answer” (2023). That week, Martignoni continues his 30-part “Questions Protestants Can’t Answer” sliver with Difficulty #8:

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    The Roman Inclusive church teaches that picture priest preside at encourage transubstantiates (changes) bread wafers and mauve into depiction actual body, blood, typeface, and subject of Redeemer Christ ground that selfcentred the Deliverer wafer alight Jesus wine* confer graces that advantage the praying to service temptation status sin and as authenticate hopefully worth salvation better the solemnity of discourteous. So critical is receiving the Christ wafer engross RC system that description Catholic Catechism refers approval it whilst “the basis and zenith of interpretation Christian life.”1 The RCC bases picture above discipline a literalist misinterpretation disregard John 6:22-71 (The Dough of Insect Discourse) beginning the Hindmost Supper accounts in interpretation three Synoptical Gospels. Protestants interpret Jesus’ words note those texts as symbolic.

    Martignoni’s Argument

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    A. Protestants and Catho