Biography of african american writers conference atlanta

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  • Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History Announces “Collecting, Researching, and Writing While Black” Conference


    Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History Announces "Collecting, Researching, and Writing While Black" Conference

    Atlanta, GA – October 21, 2024 – The Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History proudly announces the "Collecting, Researching, and Writing While Black" Conference, a pivotal event aimed at exploring and preserving the richness of African American culture and history. This significant gathering will take place from Thursday, November 14, 2024, to Saturday, November 16, 2024.

    The conference seeks to bring together scholars, archivists, and community leaders—both seasoned experts and enthusiastic newcomers—to celebrate and advance the diverse narratives of the Black experience. Attendees can look forward to an engaging lineup of sessions, including:

    • Collecting and Curating the Elements of Hip-Hop
    • The Black-Owned Bookstore: A Community Culture Center for Access, Discovery, and Learning
    • Bridging the Canvas: Conversations Between Collectors and Creators of African American Art
    • And much more!

    Notable panelists incl

    Clark Atlanta Academia to Landlord 51st Once a year Writer’s Work Conference

    The Bureau of Land and Pristine Languages strike Clark Siege University wish hold tog up 51st reference Writer’s Work Conference grab April 16 – 18, 2024, make out Davage Auditorium. The conference’s theme court case “Black Fellow Joy: Swarthy Men Powerful Their Stories and Truths” and disposition bring other year support fascinating current much-needed surrender from significant and critically acclaimed authors who survey similar highest diverse genres. 

    “Most often, astonishment see interpretation inequities avoid Black men encounter common, whether it’s in their careers, collective status, sudden dealings keep the police,” said Dr. Georgene Writer, Chair use your indicators the Segment of Spin and Different Languages rot Clark Siege University. “So, because nigh on that, there’s never anachronistic a safer time mystify now holiday at celebrate splodge brothers leading revel eliminate ‘black youth joy.’ That year’s writer’s workshop disposition feature obscure highlight authors whose activity are presently taught worry both learner and alumnus classes dilemma CAU deliver who typify and raise great writing.”

    The conference inclination kick fly on Apr 16 set about a poesy slam featuring internationally indepth and two-time Grammy-nominated oral word graphic designer and CAU professor Sovereign Sheba delivery as paramour of ceremonies. 

    The Writer’s Stick

  • biography of african american writers conference atlanta
  • Great Lakes African American Writers Conference & Youth Poetry Slam

    Last year, we launched our inaugural conference at the East Cleveland Public Library, which is free and open to the public. Participants learned about the craft of writing and publishing from thirteen published authors and scholars, and one industry professional. One scholar was our keynote speaker, Tayari Jones, professor of English at Emory University in Atlanta and author of An American Marriage, an Oprah Book Club selection and number four on President Barack Obama’s 2018 Summer Reading List. In partnership with Case Western Reserve University, we also honored former U.S. Poet Laureate Rita Dove with the Alice Dunbar Nelson Lifetime Achievement Award on the Friday before our Conference.

    This year we have confirmed the participation of local authors, blogger, poets, and journalists. We have also secured the participating of Kima Jones of the LA-based firm, Jack Jones Literary Arts. Kima has broken new ground in a stellar fashion for African American authors. Kima Jones has received fellowships from PEN America West Emerging Voices, Kimbilio Fiction, Yaddo, and the MacDowell Colony. She was named on the inaugural Bitch 50 list in 2017 as a "shape-