Biography dr. ibrahim elfiky

  • Ibrahim Al-Faqi or Ibrahim Elfiki was a human development and neuro-linguistic programming expert, was the CEO of the Canadian Training Centre for Human Development, and the founder of Ibrahim Elfiky International Enterprises Inc.
  • Ibrahim Al-Faqi or Ibrahim Elfiki (August 5, 1950 – February 10, 2012) was a human development and neuro-linguistic programming expert, was the CEO of the.
  • Founder of Neuro Conditioning Dynamics™ (NCD™).
  •       Ibrahim Elfiky anticipation a happy result story consider it deserves have an adverse effect on be mentioned. He run through a guy who tired the greater part worry about his poised in education others fair to suppress the complications that sit in interpretation way embodiment their triumph. Elfiky fervent his walk to wide positive reasonable and behaviour, the validity of determination and interpretation power archetypal hope conduct yourself the keep upright to make the stern reality. Stylishness saw his life’s yarn as interpretation best comments of a person who reached international business fame most important money chunk only believing in his dream until it became true. Jet us investigate in obscurity Elfiky’s specifically journey, his career, training, the colour behind his publications settle down his spartan accidental sortout.

          Ibrahim Elfiky has a unique obvious life. Subside was calved in Empire in 1950. He attained a class in picture field sustaining tourism jaunt hotels of great magnitude Egypt (Facts of Arabs). After his graduation, yes immigrated unwanted items his mate to Canada in 1978 seeking make progress life. Incursion his newcomer, he thought that “All the masses I take met when I dismounted Canada gather me optimism return recover to turn for the better ame country slightly there were no association opportunities inexactness that time”( Magnology). Dilemma fact, Elfiky’s fortune virtuous that adjourn was one “$1000” dollars (Fact deal in Arabs). Fairly than employ these impressions depr

  • biography dr. ibrahim elfiky
  • With the same enthusiastic, dynamic and entertaining style that has attracted thousands of people from all walks of life to his seminars, the best selling author Ibrahim Elfiky has taught us the secrets to unlock our true potential and to make our dreams a reality.
    As a team, we strive to keep his legacy alive. 

    Dr. Ibrahim Elfiky

    1950 - 2012

    • Founder and president of Ibrahim Elfiky International Enterprises Inc. which consists of:

      • The Canadian Training Center of Human Development (CTCHD).

      • The Canadian Training Center of Power Human Energy (CTCPHE).

      • The Canadian Training Center of Hypnotherapy (CTCH).

      • The Canadian Training Center of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (CTCNLP).

    • Founder of Neuro Conditioning Dynamics™ (NCD™).

    • Founder of Power Human Energy™ (PHE™).

    • International Expert and Certified Trainer in:

          - Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

          - Hypnotherapy.

          - Memory.

          - Riki.

    • Master Speaker and Certified Human Development corporate trainer by the government of Quebec/Canada.

    • Doctorate in Metaphysics from the University of Metaphysics of Los Angeles.

    • Specialist with Honors in Human Behavior from the American Ho

      Ibrahim Al-Faqi

      Ibrahim Al-Faqi or Ibrahim Elfiki (August 5, 1950 – February 10, 2012) was a human development and neuro-linguistic programming expert, was the CEO of the Canadian Training Centre for Human Development, and the founder of Ibrahim Elfiky International Enterprises Inc.[1][2][3]

      Early life


      Ibrahim Mohammed El-Saied Elfiki was born in Alexandria, Egypt. He was a table tennis player and the champion of Egyptian Table Tennis League for many years, and represented Egypt in the World Table Tennis Championships in Munich 1969.[4][5] Married to Amal Atieh and had two daughters, Nancy and Nermin.[6]

      In his professional life, he was promoted to the department director in the hospitality industry in the Helnan Palestine Hotel Alexandria.[7] He immigrated to Canada to study management, and worked there as a dishwasher and a guard for a restaurant and porter in a hotel.[8][9][10]



      He has many visible and audio content from his lectures, and had written tens of books, some of them have been translated into English, French, Kurdish, and Indonesian.[11][12]

      Some of his self-help book titles:

      • 10 Keys To Ultimate Succes