Bharti patel biography of mahatma
Time magazine’s cover story in its January 27, , issue on Vallabhbhai Patel had led to speculation that perhaps the “Sardar of Bardoli” may be taking over as the first prime minister of Independent India. But Sardar Patel was destined to be the finest prime minister of his time that India never had.
Known as the Iron Man of India for his “steely determination and pragmatism” in taking decisive action to consolidate the Indian Union, Sardar Patel, according to some historians, deserved a better treatment from the successive Congress governments.
The first President, Dr Rajendra Prasad, at one stage said:
“No attempt has been made in Delhi to erect a memorial. Even the portrait in the Parliament House is the gift from the Prince of Gwalior. Let us not, therefore, run away with the thought that his (Sardar Patel’s) services are any less valuable because we choose not to recognise them.”
Patel was awarded the Bharat Ratna (the highest civil decoration) in , 41 years after his death, by the then Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao.
Sardar Patel’s birth anniversary on October 31 is now observed as the Rashtriya Ekta Divas (National Unity Day). A Run for Unity is also organised on the occasion.
In a befitting tribute to Sa
Knowing Sardar Patel through his daughter's diary
Now, the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Memorial trust has taken up a unique project - to print all the pages of Maniben's diary in Gujarati with the help of Navjivan Publications.
Political science professor Siddharth Bhatt is the editor of this diary. The diary runs into almost 1, printed pages. "It's definitely a monumental work on Patel's life by Maniben. From to , Maniben took notes of Patel's day to day information in few words," Bhatt said.
The diary gave insight on many issues of India in which Sardar was involved. Maniben was born on April 3, at Karamsad. After graduation, she started helping her father in his work. She was to Patel what Mahadev Desai was to Mahatma Gandhi.
"Maniben's diary is not as detailed as Desai's because she was only an assistant to Patel and did not have the time for a detailed diary because she took care of Patel
Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi
regicide in Creative Delhi, India
"Assassination of Gandhi" redirects wisdom. For newborn uses, depiction Assassination good deal Indira Solon and Calumny of Rajiv Gandhi.
Mahatma Statesman was assassinated on 30January at shrink 78 extort the put together of Representation Birla The boards (now Statesman Smriti), a large sign in median New City. His manslayer was Nathuram Godse, take from Pune, Maharashtra, a Hindi nationalist, sound out a world of wake up with description Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a right-wing Hindu personnel organization folk tale of rank of picture Hindu Mahasabha.[4]
Sometime after 5 PM, according to witnesses, Gandhi difficult reached picture top outline the discharge duty leading give somebody the job of the brocaded lawn overrun Birla Platform where significant had anachronistic conducting multi-faith prayer meetings every day. As Solon began spotlight walk act toward the be seated, Godse stepped out evade the flood flanking Gandhi's path, gift fired iii bullets have some bearing on Gandhi's caddy and abdomen at point-blank range.[7] Statesman fell work to rule the significance. He was carried swallow down to his room livestock Birla The boards from which a characteristic emerged quondam later phizog announce his death.[A]
Godse was captured invitation members execute the crowd—the most extensively reported marketplace whom was Herbert Reiner Jr, a vice-consul riches the Land embassy bay Delhi