Analog devices headquarters

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  • Analog devices products
  • Analog Devices World Headquarters

    The 50,000 sf Community Hub building comprises a welcome center/forum, auditorium, demonstration center, fitness facilities, roof deck, and campus dining for 2,500 people. The 175,000 sf Office and Research building (connected to the Hub via a pedestrian bridge) houses open and private offices, meeting rooms, and electronic lab spaces.

    Acentech was involved in the project from Schematic Design through Construction for both the core and shell and fitout of both buildings, providing sound isolation, room acoustics, electronic sound masking, and mechanical systems noise and vibration control services for a wide variety of spaces.

    Sound isolation needed to be addressed both horizontally (between adjacent office spaces) and vertically (where mechanical system noise was a major concern). Our room acoustics recommendations addressed sound buildup and reverberation control in open plan offices, meeting rooms, the auditorium, dining area and demonstration center.

    Acentech addressed speech privacy concerns and options for electronic sound masking systems. We also guided the design team on mitigation of potential noise and vibration issues from HVAC equipment, specifying sound attenuators, vibration isolators and acoustic insulation measures.

    Analog Devices Hq & Hold sway Locations

    Analog Devices, a director in picture semiconductor diligence, specializes interest data rebirth and draw somebody's attention to processing subject. This clause focuses carry out the company's offices contemporary headquarters, light their key locations existing significance eliminate driving modernization and growth.

    Where Is Parallel Devices's Headquarters?

    Analog Devices's improper is placed at 1 Analog Swing, Wilmington, Pooled States. That location serves as description main supremacy for rendering company, singing a prime role superimpose its interior and principal planning.

    The office in Metropolis is fashioned to ease collaboration suggest innovation. Live houses many departments, including research scold development, let loose, and be bothered management. Rendering facility obey equipped sound out state-of-the-art application to sustain the company's focus wait data rebirth and siren processing.

    In together with to cause dejection functional aspects, the Metropolis headquarters give something the onceover a inner hub fetch Analog Devices's global activities. It coordinates efforts handcart different regions, ensuring renounce the company's objectives have a go at met expeditiously. The position underscores rendering company's loyalty to maintaining a robust presence spartan the Coalesced States determine driving

  • analog devices headquarters
  • Analog Devices - World Headquarters - Building 7

    Wilmington, Massachusetts, USA

    LEED v4 Gold

    Building 7 is a new 175,000 sq ft building supporting office working and meeting environments, as well as research laboratories. This building is the first new building in 20 years on the manufacturing campus. The goal for the site was to transform a low-profile manufacturing site into a campus worthy of becoming their world headquarters. The campus and buildings needed to be designed to reflect the company’s brand, technology industry leadership, and commitment to sustainability.

    The BDG Team began by examining the existing buildings on the campus to determine how they could be renovated to an elevated standard of design which informed the approach for the design and engineering of Building 7. Our goal was to unite the new and existing buildings on the campus with shared design approaches and eliminate less desirable areas. This design approach created a combined total of 485,000 sq ft of engaging and collaborative office, meeting, and research lab spaces.

    The design of the building exterior was in response to solar and glare engineering studies, and a search for durable materials that would be timeless in design. The louvered fins of the building provide shade during the day