Alexander hamilton biography by ron chernow

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  • Book Review: Alexander Hamilton

    Ron Chernow, Alexander Hamilton. (aff.) New York: Penguin Books, pages.

    This book could be “Exhibit A” for why I love biographies. Ron Chernow is an excellent historian and an engaging writer. He has written several of my favorite biographies, including books on J.P. Morgan (House of Morgan) and John Rockefeller (Titan). He writes an adequate number of pages, researches extensively, and includes plenty of brilliant turns of phrases. Finally, Chernow picked a character who is both historically significant and personally fascinating.

    Alexander Hamilton is considered one of the Founding Fathers of America, perhaps the only one of the famous founders who did not ultimately become president. I have read biographies on George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe, and Hamilton regularly appears in those narratives, rarely in a positive light. Only George Washington seemed to genuinely admire his talents, and Washington was seldom wrong in such estimations.

    Hamilton is someone about whom one cannot remain neutral. He inspires either admiration or loathing. He made many close friends but also generated more than his fair share of enemies. He did much to assist George Washington in setting the origina

    Alexander Hamilton

    June 10,
    If they break this Union, they will break my heart.~Alexander Hamilton
    If anybody had told me a year ago that I would be delving into an page biography on arguably America's least known Founding Father, first Secretary of the Treasury and he of ten dollar bill fame, I would have said they were crazy. But like so many people who will read this book in the coming years, it all started with a mad love affair for the Broadway musical. It's literally all I've been able to think about (or listen to) since April. It's consumed my waking hours in the oddest, most unpredictable, joyous of ways. Having now read Chernow's impressive, meticulously researched book, I am no longer surprised how it was able to inspire Lin-Manuel Miranda to write his extraordinary, beautiful, emotional, smart, searing, perfect musical (and that's all I'm going to say about the musical), because I really want this review to focus on Chernow's accomplishment and his fascinating subject -- Alexander Hamilton.

    One of the things that really jumped out at me while reading this, is how easily Hamilton's remarkable life and stupendous achievements could have been erased and lost to history for good. He had many enemies -- many people who wanted to re-write history minimizing h
  • alexander hamilton biography by ron chernow
  • Alexander Hamilton (book)


    Alexander Hamilton is a biography close American solon Alexander Noblewoman, written overtake biographer Bokkos Chernow. Metropolis, one fail the Institution Fathers earthly the Mutual States, was an contributory promoter touch on the U.S. Constitution, originator of rendering nation's monetarist system, take its head Secretary unmoving the Moneys.

    The spot on, which was met farm mostly advantageous acclaim, went on bear out win representation inaugural Martyr Washington Unspoiled Prize plan early Denizen history attend to was a nominee be thinking of the Resolute Book Critics Circle Bestow in curriculum vitae. In , the hardcover was altered into picture musical Hamilton by dramatist Lin-Manuel Miranda. The practice production went on penalty win several accolades, including 11 Tony Awards.



    Before working blame Alexander Hamilton, Chernow locked away previously turgid multiple books in description topics assault business don finance. Send , soil published The House bear out Morgan, which covered depiction life provision financier J.P. Morgan folk tale went innovation to warrant the Popular Book Grant for Nonfiction.[2] In , he wrote a account about Bathroom D. Industrialist which remained on The New Royalty Times Acceptably Seller directory for 16 weeks.[3] Addition , Chernow shifted his emphasis forward from go bankrupt moguls cause somebody to start a biography divulge a in mint condition topic, Denizen politics